Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Does God live at La Madeline?

I know that is a funny question but...I really think He does. I know he lives everywhere but He sure does bless me there. Do you have a place where you feel close to God? For my husband, that is the mountains. For me, if I can get to the mountains...God is definitely there however, the mountains are far away. La Madeline is where God is to me in the MOST tangible way. I know that sounds crazy but amazing things have happened to me at La Madeline.
  1. I met Steve Ferrar there. He is a writer who wrote some amazing books and really made an impact on how my husband treats me and my kids. I was able to thank Steve for letting God use him.
  2. I've held bible studies there. There were some amazing "real" times where we struggled with whether or not we believe God is who He says He is.
  3. I've had countless lunches there with friends where God has blessed the conversations. You know those good conversations where you laugh and cry together? I love those!!!
  4. I've watched other women study the bible there and encourage one another there from afar.
  5. I've had some of the sweetest prayer times with God there.
  6. I've learned so much about God during my studying there.
  7. I've had a date with Will there. What a precious time!
  8. I met an amazing godly woman named Helen Hosier there. She was the sweet lady I met yesterday who saw me studying my bible and asked if she could sit down beside me. Of course, I welcomed her and enjoyed talking to her. She has written over 60 books and blessed me with our conversation.

So, God meets me at La Madeline. I really feel like it is an annointed place (not to mention the food and iced tea bless my tummy!). It is my place where I can be alone with him and He can meet my needs. I long to be there more than anywhere else on this earth because He is there. I don't say that to be preachy or holier than thou. I NEED Him and He is there. I really don't think it is really La Madeline but it is my quiet place amongst all the chaos where I can rest in Him. Where is your La Madeline?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I think He lives in my car. That should probably motivate me to keep it cleaner. What sweet divine appointments you've had at La Madeleine!