Tuesday, April 10, 2007

His Choices

...this is a good one...especially for my son!!...Oh, and for ME...and for EVERYBODY...

Day 10 of Praying for your husband Month
(from Stormie O'Martian's Power of a Praying Wife)

"Lord, fill my husband with the fear of the Lord and give him wisdom for every decision he makes. May he reverence You and Your ways and seek to know Your truth. Give him discernment to make decisions based on Your revelation. Help him make godly choices and keep him from doing anything foolish.
I pray that he will listen to godly counselors and not be a man who is unteachable. Instruct him even as he is sleeping (Psalm 16:7), and in the morning, I pray he will do what's right rather than follow the leading of his own flesh. May he not buy into the foolishness of this world, but keep his eyes on You and have ears to hear Your voice.
A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. Proverbs 1:5"

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